Let’s Talk Stocks: Introducing Students to the Stock Market
60 min PD credit
High school students need a strong foundation to understand the stock market.
Recommended PD Sessions
Boots on the Ground: Q-and-A with a CTE Teacher
Boots on the Ground: Q-and-A with a CTE Teacher
30 min PD credit
Join our Q-and-A with a current CTE teacher to learn about best practices for teaching financial literacy in the classroom.
Overcoming Barriers in Personal Finance Education
Overcoming Barriers in Personal Finance Education
60 min PD credit
Understand the obstacles faced by personal finance teachers and get tips for overcoming them.
Swish or Switch: Choosing a Credit Card That's a Slam Dunk
Swish or Switch: Choosing a Credit Card That's a Slam Dunk
60 min PD credit
Lead your students through an interactive March Madness-style bracket for evaluating credit cards.